Common scams, and how to avoid them

Message Of The Day: Beware of impostors! Bookmark this & spread the word.

When browsing the darkweb, use common sense. If it sounds too good to be true, that’s probably because it is. 99% of all sites on here are complete scams.

First off: any site that claims to multiply your money is a scam.

This means those 100x bitcoin sites, those ‘buy real cash for 50% off’ sites, and those gift cards for 50% off sites ARE ALL SCAMS, 100% of the time. If you see a site that sells 0.1 BTC for 0.05 BTC, that will ALWAYS be a scam. Fake money exists, and people can buy it, but I can guarantee you that you can’t buy it easily.

The same is true for electronics shops and really anything that sells things at a discount that no sane person would sell for. Or selling something very rare (like scalped GPUs) for a normal price. For some reason scammers love to “sell” Apple products, so just stay away from those sites. Trust me, it’s much easier to find a refunder who can do all that than finding one on the dark web. Just searched the Cracked or Nulled forums, I’ve had some success. Or just use Ebay to save money like a normal person.

Secondly: don’t store crypto with anyone else.

An online anonymous wallet may seem convenient, but they have access to the private key, which means they own your money if you give it to them. Not your keys, not your money. Be careful of mixers, exchanges, and etc. as well. They could just not give you anything back and you wouldn’t be able to do anything. Light wallets on the clearweb are normally fine, but the darkweb is much more risky. You can make Electron go through the dark web yourself, you don’t need to trust someone else with your money. It’s really not that hard to download a crypto wallet.

Third: hacking/murder firms are scams.

Is it possible to hack your ex’s Snapchat? Yes. Would a professional waste their time doing it for random people on the darkweb for $50? No. They’d get a job as a security researcher, and report the bug to Snapchat for like $50k in legitimate, clean, honest money. Or maybe they’d sell their services to people who give them the big bucks. Social engineering is the only realistic way to hack someone’s account, and it’s not guaranteed. You could probably do it yourself, given enough time. Just don’t trust the random darkweb guy who will claim to do it 100% of the time in 24 hours for only $50 in BTC. That’s just not going to be real. Same thing goes with murder firms, I just laugh when I see one. I hate to break it to you, but Agent 47 just isn’t real. They’re also mostly associated with law enforcement anyway and if you think murder is your only option than you might just be an asshole.

Fourth: have trust issues.

If a site says “Verified by Tor” or “Hidden Wiki Fresh [year]”, you should stay away. The wiki is editable by many people, and when everyone is anonymous, people are bound to change things for the worse. Do you really trust some random guy who posted a dubious link to some super cheap site? Additionally, the Tor Foundation will never “verify” a site. Don’t take someone else’s word for it. Don’t even blindly trust this site! Use your own judgement on everything. Some people have (poorly) attempted to clone my site, so seriously, scrutinize everything. Beware of clones, even this site was originally a clone of another website that scammed me. Many scams use multiple names & onions, but the layout stays the same.

Of course, there are some exceptions to these rules. It’s just that they are so exceedingly rare that you may as well not consider it. You should probably go buy a lottery ticket instead.

Bottom line: 99.9% of hidden sites are scams, and that’s a fact. The only way to never lose money is to never buy anything from the dark web. At the very least, think long and hard about the potential risk.

Stay safe out there.
